承真樓中國文化研究中心 Chinese Cultural Studies Center
我們主要宗旨是弘揚中國文化,隨著世界的一體化,傳統文化的保護受到影響。有見及此,我們成立承真樓的目的,就是希望在一體化的洪流中,保護中國傳統的獨特性,包括各類歷史文化遺跡和傳統手工藝,不致淹沒。中國歷史文物遺址極其豐厚,隨著我國經濟逐漸發展,國家投入大量資源進行文物的保護及 考古工作,成果十分豐碩。因此,承真樓作為一個平台,希望讓其他國家及地區,了解我國考古工作情況,補充史書記載的不足。
Chinese Cultural Studies Center is a non-profit organization based in Hong Kong that seeks to inspire and educate by advancing knowledge of and promoting traditional Chinese cultural heritage. We achieve this end by offering quality cultural programming and engaging in meaningful projects, and do so by collaborating with individuals, organizations and communities who are similarly committed to cultural expression and development.
網址 Website: www.chineseculturalstudiescenter.org
查詢 Enquiry: (852) 2521 0718
香港浸會大學 歷史系 Hong Kong Baptist University, Department of History
The Hong Kong Baptist University (originally Hong Kong Baptist College) was founded in 1956, with the Department of History and Geography established in 1960. In 1978, the Department of History became an independent teaching unit. Since 1994, when the College was renamed University, the Department has gradually built up an international reputation in historical research. Our members represent a wide thematic expertise with a broad temporal and geographical coverage. Currently, the History family has 280 members, including 228 undergraduates, 28 academic/ teaching staff, and 24 teaching/research/office support staff and research postgraduate students. The Department has nurtured over 3,000 history graduates over the decades.
網址 Website: http://histweb.hkbu.edu.hk/
查詢 Enquiry: (852) 3411 7107/ 3411 7174
我們主要宗旨是弘揚中國文化,隨著世界的一體化,傳統文化的保護受到影響。有見及此,我們成立承真樓的目的,就是希望在一體化的洪流中,保護中國傳統的獨特性,包括各類歷史文化遺跡和傳統手工藝,不致淹沒。中國歷史文物遺址極其豐厚,隨著我國經濟逐漸發展,國家投入大量資源進行文物的保護及 考古工作,成果十分豐碩。因此,承真樓作為一個平台,希望讓其他國家及地區,了解我國考古工作情況,補充史書記載的不足。
Chinese Cultural Studies Center is a non-profit organization based in Hong Kong that seeks to inspire and educate by advancing knowledge of and promoting traditional Chinese cultural heritage. We achieve this end by offering quality cultural programming and engaging in meaningful projects, and do so by collaborating with individuals, organizations and communities who are similarly committed to cultural expression and development.
網址 Website: www.chineseculturalstudiescenter.org
查詢 Enquiry: (852) 2521 0718
香港浸會大學 歷史系 Hong Kong Baptist University, Department of History
The Hong Kong Baptist University (originally Hong Kong Baptist College) was founded in 1956, with the Department of History and Geography established in 1960. In 1978, the Department of History became an independent teaching unit. Since 1994, when the College was renamed University, the Department has gradually built up an international reputation in historical research. Our members represent a wide thematic expertise with a broad temporal and geographical coverage. Currently, the History family has 280 members, including 228 undergraduates, 28 academic/ teaching staff, and 24 teaching/research/office support staff and research postgraduate students. The Department has nurtured over 3,000 history graduates over the decades.
網址 Website: http://histweb.hkbu.edu.hk/
查詢 Enquiry: (852) 3411 7107/ 3411 7174
香港浸會大學饒宗頤國學院 Hong Kong Baptist University Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology
二零一三年一月,香港浸會大學創立香港首所國學院,以弘揚中國文化為已任,致力於國學與漢學研究。學院以已故國學大師饒宗頤教授,GBM 命名,成立之初邀得饒教授出任國學院永遠榮譽院長,希望能傳承饒公之學養,對內傳道授業,導民於禮樂; 對外秉承饒教授 「東學西漸」之理念,成為連結國學與世界的橋樑,推動海內外傳統文化交流,提升國學的國際地位,重現中華文化影響世界的 「漢唐氣象」。
In January 2013, Hong Kong Baptist University founded the first Academy of Sinology in Hong Kong with the mission of promoting Chinese culture and pushing forward research in Sinology and Classical Studies. The Academy is deeply honored to be named after the late Professor the Honourable Jao Tsung-I, GBM, who graciously agreed to be its Permanent Honorary Director. On the basis of this deep-seated connection the great sinologist, the Academy sees it as its obligation to perpetuate the scholarship of Master Jao, contribute to the cultivation of traditional values and time-honored virtues, serve as a bridge of communication between scholars based in the Greater China region and Sinologists around the globe, elevate the status of Classical Chinese Studies, spread traditional Chinese culture worldwide.
網址 Website: http://jas.hkbu.edu.hk/
查詢 Enquiry: (852) 3411 6655
河南省文物考古研究院 Henan Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology
河南省文物考古研究院成立於1952年,是全國最早的文物考古研究院所之一,承擔著河南省地下文物的調查、發掘、保護和科學研究等任務。半個多世紀以來,特別是改革開放30多年來,圍繞經濟建設這一中心任務,河南省文物考古研究院配合了許多國家大型基本建設工程,如治淮水利工程、黃河小浪底水庫工程、及南水北調中線工程等等; 還圍繞一些重要學術研究課題,進行了大量文物調查和田野發掘工作;這些工作取得了許多重大的考古發現和科研成果。在這些重大考古發現中,有6項被列入 “中國20世紀100項考古大發現”。
Henan Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology (HPICRA) was established in 1952, and is one of earliest archaeology research institutes in China. HPICRA is the administrative unit responsible for overseeing all archaeological investigations, excavations, their protection, and their scientific research in Henan province. For the last half century, a significant percentage of HPICRA’s efforts have revolved around rescue type archaeology excavations in response to the large-scale construction and development projects, such as the hydraulic engineering of the Huai, the Xiaolangdi Dam impounding the Yellow River, and the Nan Shui Bei Diao water diversion project. The Institute’s work also centers on selected cultural relic studies and field work of academic significance. Of these major archaeological discoveries, 6 have been included in the Top 100 Archaeological Discoveries of China of the 20th century, as announced in 2001 by the Institute of Archaeology under the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.
網址 Website: http://www.hnswwkgyjy.cn/
查詢 Enquiry: (86) 0371-66322065
二零一三年一月,香港浸會大學創立香港首所國學院,以弘揚中國文化為已任,致力於國學與漢學研究。學院以已故國學大師饒宗頤教授,GBM 命名,成立之初邀得饒教授出任國學院永遠榮譽院長,希望能傳承饒公之學養,對內傳道授業,導民於禮樂; 對外秉承饒教授 「東學西漸」之理念,成為連結國學與世界的橋樑,推動海內外傳統文化交流,提升國學的國際地位,重現中華文化影響世界的 「漢唐氣象」。
In January 2013, Hong Kong Baptist University founded the first Academy of Sinology in Hong Kong with the mission of promoting Chinese culture and pushing forward research in Sinology and Classical Studies. The Academy is deeply honored to be named after the late Professor the Honourable Jao Tsung-I, GBM, who graciously agreed to be its Permanent Honorary Director. On the basis of this deep-seated connection the great sinologist, the Academy sees it as its obligation to perpetuate the scholarship of Master Jao, contribute to the cultivation of traditional values and time-honored virtues, serve as a bridge of communication between scholars based in the Greater China region and Sinologists around the globe, elevate the status of Classical Chinese Studies, spread traditional Chinese culture worldwide.
網址 Website: http://jas.hkbu.edu.hk/
查詢 Enquiry: (852) 3411 6655
河南省文物考古研究院 Henan Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology
河南省文物考古研究院成立於1952年,是全國最早的文物考古研究院所之一,承擔著河南省地下文物的調查、發掘、保護和科學研究等任務。半個多世紀以來,特別是改革開放30多年來,圍繞經濟建設這一中心任務,河南省文物考古研究院配合了許多國家大型基本建設工程,如治淮水利工程、黃河小浪底水庫工程、及南水北調中線工程等等; 還圍繞一些重要學術研究課題,進行了大量文物調查和田野發掘工作;這些工作取得了許多重大的考古發現和科研成果。在這些重大考古發現中,有6項被列入 “中國20世紀100項考古大發現”。
Henan Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology (HPICRA) was established in 1952, and is one of earliest archaeology research institutes in China. HPICRA is the administrative unit responsible for overseeing all archaeological investigations, excavations, their protection, and their scientific research in Henan province. For the last half century, a significant percentage of HPICRA’s efforts have revolved around rescue type archaeology excavations in response to the large-scale construction and development projects, such as the hydraulic engineering of the Huai, the Xiaolangdi Dam impounding the Yellow River, and the Nan Shui Bei Diao water diversion project. The Institute’s work also centers on selected cultural relic studies and field work of academic significance. Of these major archaeological discoveries, 6 have been included in the Top 100 Archaeological Discoveries of China of the 20th century, as announced in 2001 by the Institute of Archaeology under the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.
網址 Website: http://www.hnswwkgyjy.cn/
查詢 Enquiry: (86) 0371-66322065